St. Pius is a Catholic co-educational primary school assisting the parents and parish in handing on the Christian message and values within the tradition of the teachings and experience of the Catholic Church.
St. Pius X school is Catholic in origin and history. Our goal is to be a Christian community living out the Gospel values in word and practice.
As a Catholic school it is an expectation that all children engage in the Diocesan Religious Education Programme. Religion is not just taught as a K.L.A. it permeates the whole culture of the school – on the playground, in the classrooms, at Liturgies and Masses.
A Catholic school is in partnership with the home and parish. They meet God in the love they experience at home, in the celebrations of the sacraments. They meet God when they go to Church to partake in the banquet.
This encounter with God is continued in the school when they discover they belong to a larger family. They are nurtured and taught to love and accept one another and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
In the parish they become a wider community when they worship, celebrate and develop their sense of faith.