
At St Pius X, our English programs reflect the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) K-10 Syllabus requirements and are designed to allow students to use language to learn about language. Through the study of English students learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, learning and enjoyment.

Developing proficiency in English enables students to become confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and lifelong learners. Students develop their language skills through activities involving speaking and listening, reading and writing, and viewing and representing. They learn about language and literature through working with a wide range of print, spoken, visual, media, multimedia and digital texts.

The core foundational English skills are taught explicitly through direct teacher instruction and support.  Our phonics/spelling, phonemic awareness, grammar and comprehension programs are sequentially streamed across Kindergarten to Year 6 to ensure continual growth and development is achieved for all students.

In each Stage, students study a wide range of rich texts including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, films, media, multimedia and digital texts for critical analysis, interpretation and enjoyment. They respond to quality literature, including texts by and about Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People(s), and texts from different cultures and times that offer a variety of perspectives.

As a result of experiences offered, students will learn how to speak, listen, read and write in many contexts, to use English to learn in all Key Learning Areas and to develop fundamental knowledge and understanding of Language. This basis will enable students to use English as a tool for effective learning throughout life.