The PDHPE curriculum is organised into three content strands: Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

Personal Development Personal Development is often integrated in units of work studied in both Religious Education and Human Society and its Environment that focus largely on physical development, respectful relationships and acceptance of diversity. The ethos of our school seeks to promote a sense of the worth and dignity of each student in our school as a valued human being. This is encouraged through the development of interpersonal skills that are exercised as the children relate with others on a daily basis. 

Students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills important for building respectful relationships, enhancing personal strengths and exploring personal identity to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others. They develop strategies to manage challenges and change in a range of situations.

Health In Health there is an emphasis on increasing the ability of our students to make informed decisions regarding factors that affect personal and community health.  Students focus on the relationship between health and physical activity concepts.

They engage with a range of health issues and identify strategies to keep them healthy, safe and active. Throughout the learning activities, students develop and strengthen an emphasis on self-management, wellbeing and interpersonal skills.